Gaslight tours

Our gaslight tours take you to Berlin's most beautiful gas lit streets and squares. more »

Gaslichttour mit dem Busimage: Gaslicht Kultur e.V.

Tour inquiries:
Phone: 0179 / 810 67 47

[Bitte nach "Englisch" übersetzen:]

Berlin light

Every night more than half the world's existing gas street lamps illuminate the streets of Berlin. Gas street lighting was introduced to the city in the early 19th century. Ever since then, gas street lamps have been integral to Berlin's cityscape. Thus, the gas street lamps in their various historical designs constitute a significant industrial and artistic monument.

Nevertheless, the Berlin Senate is moving to eliminate Berlin's gas street lighting. The Senate's street lighting plan Lichtkonzept rates gas street lighting as economically and environmentally untenable. Therefore, almost all of Berlin's gas street lamps face replacement and demolition.

We want to save them!

The translation of the German text of this website was made possible by the engaged work of Leonie Dix for which the responsible associations thank her very much.

Gas street lamp types

5-Arm-Kandelaber Laterne

5-armed chandelier lamp photo: Bertold Kujath

Find out what types of gas street lamps can still be found on Berlin's streets today. here »

Gas street lamp demolition

Abriss der Berliner Gaslaternen

photo: Bertold Kujath

Despite resident protests the demolition of gas street lamps continues. Learn more about the demolition of Berlin's gas street lamps. here »

Support us!

Aktiv werden und bei Aktionen mitmachen, wie hier bei der Menschenkette

photo: Bertold Kujath

Find out what kinds of action we have taken, for example, the petition for the preservation of gas street lamps or similar events. here »

Our action to save Berlin's gas street lighting

Unterschriftensammlung zur Erhaltung der Gasbeleuchtung

photo: Bertold Kujath

Find out what kinds of action we have taken, for example, the petition for the preservation of gas street lamps or similar events. here »


•Fotogalerie WATCH DAY 2015


ON MAY 18, 2015

•Bundespräsident Gauck setzt sich in seinem Grußwort zum Tag des offenenDenkmals für den Erhalt des Gaslichtes in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden und Düsseldorf ein..

•Berlin leuchtet

•Leipziger Denkmal-Messe

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