The Gaslight as World Heritage
Our activities increasingly attract international attention.
At the beginning of 2012, a number of foreign TV stations accompanied, interviewed and filmed us.
25.06.2014: FAZ: Gleicht Berlin bei Nacht bald Bielefeld?
Heft 3 April/Mai 2014: Restauro: Ist der Abriss der Gaslaternen noch aufzuhalten?
01.04.2014: Spiegel Online: 200 Jahre Gaslaterne - es wurde Licht!
"Die dunkle Seite des Lichts" der FAZ vom 23.11.2013
14.10.2013: Die Welt: Kampf fürs Gaslicht geht weiter
08.10.2013: Mittelbayerische: Berliner Gaslicht auf roter Liste
22.01.2013: Wiener Zeitung: Der Kampf ums gemütliche Licht
23.06.2012: Süddeutsche Zeitung: Lichter der Großstadt
06/2012: Cicero: Bürger contra Senat
25.12.2015: the guardian: Light brigade: carrying the torch for London`s last gas street lamps
Frühjahr 2014: SPAB magazine: Let there be light - How bright is the future for gas lamps?
26.03.2014: Als die Stadtbeleuchter Gas gaben - 200. Geburtstag der Gaslaterne
16.10.2013: World Monuments Watch: Gaslights and gas lamps of Berlin
11.10.2013: The Atlantic Cities: The fight over Berlin's charming street lights
18.04.2013: the guardian: Europe's most threatened archaoelogical sites and landmarks
Our activities increasingly attract international attention.
At the beginning of 2012, a number of foreign TV stations accompanied, interviewed and filmed us.
In particular we enjoyed working with Japanese television. For several weeks, the Japanese crew shadowed us charmingly and documented our activities on film. These included the human chain, the occupation of the excavation pits and the delivery of the petition to Berlin Town Hall.
All broadcasts have been shown in the respective countries by now. Al Jazeera's report was broadcast in 127 countries.