Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz (DSD), Kuratorium Berlin

The German Foundation for the Preservation of Historic Buildings is a private charitable initiative, which has made its task to help preserve and restore historic buildings as well as to inform the public of the necessity for their preservation and conservation.
DSD was founded in 1985, its patron is the Federal President of Germany. It organizes annually in the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany Open Heritage Day. DSD has more than 200,000 financial supporters, has since its foundation restored with proper conservation methods 4,300 objects and has been able to invest more than 500 Million Euro in this work.
The Kuratorium Berlin exists since 2005 and supports DSD on its publicity work, organizing i.a. events and exhibitions and Open Heritage Day in Berlin. It also maintains contact with the Berlin State Conservation Office and other organizations in the field in Berlin.
Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz - Kuratorium Berlin
c/o Heike Pieper
Suarezstraße 31
14057 Berlin
phone: 030 / 325 50 54
fax: 030 / 325 50 84
mail: pieper(at) /